When you file income taxes, receipts can help ensure that you get the benefits, deductions, and refund you qualify for. Unfortunately, many tax payers are not always organized and many receipts go missing before this time of year. While you may be running around and looking for receipts this year, there are several ways you can make next tax season much easier.
One way to make taxes easier is to find out which companies offer you some tax receipt help. If you do online banking, for example, you may be able to find and print your receipts online. Also, many pharmacies keep receipts for you and print them in one batch at tax time, upon request. Find out about such services – they will make record keeping much easier.
In addition, get into the habit of collecting all receipts. Have a large envelope or plastic box located in at least one or two spots in your home – one near the doorway and one near wherever you do your bills or write your mail. Pop any and all receipts into these containers. At tax time, they will all be easily accessible and it will just be a matter of pruning and organizing.